Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All Done

Over the last few weeks, we've been talking with Jack about his big boy bed. We always offer to let him sleep there, but he hever accepted. On Sunday night though, he willingly went down in his big boy bed and proceeded to be very quiet and still. We left the door slightly open and went into the family room to work.

Within 45 minutes, we hear a pitter patter of feet down the hall and as Jack gets closer, we hear, "All done...All done....All done...All done," while doing the sign for All done as well. He had enough of the big boy bed! :)

Needless to say, he went back down with mommy in his big boy bed, slept through the night, and last night, slept in his big boy bed from 8:30 till 7:20. Way to go Jack!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Our youngest grandchild (for the time being)is showing signs of growing up. That's a pretty big step for someone not even two yet. Hope it continues to go well for Jack, Mommy and Daddy.

Souzy's Zoo said...

You're growing up so fast, Jack!
Eric & Brittany--Have you had your ultrasound appt. yet?