Sometime this weekend, our air conditioner went out. We had a slow stream of cold air Friday night when we got back from Ohio, but over the course of the day on Saturday and Sunday, it went to almost nothing and not very cold. With temperatures in the 90's yesterday, it wasn't very enjoyable. However, we're making the best of it until it can be fixed and thankfully with fans, it is bearable. Jack wanted to make a cool treat for a hot day, so what could be better than jello?
Update: Our air condition is back on! We also decided since we were fixing things broken, why not go ahead and get a new water heater too? We are SO grateful that Eric asked about a possible reason for an increase in our water bills as when the contractor started looking around, he discovered a huge bulge in the water heater where it was rusting out. When it rains, it pours! :)