Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jack's Firsts

Jack has had some fun "firsts" this week. He went outside in his snowsuit for the first time this year when we had our big snowstorm:

Jack also got his first real haircut by Ms. Jena. Doesn't he look so serious?

Finally, Jack has learned how to climb in and out of many things, including his pack-n-play. While we don't have a picture, we thought he looked really cute after climbing into his toy chest in the family room:

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Merry Christmas Cousins!

Jack wanted to see his cousins dance with the elf music so we thought we would send this out. However, then we had so much fun we had to do some more...enjoy!

Jack, Lexi, Addy and Peyton video

Abby, Brady, Anna and Avery video

Some random Smith family members

The Original DeHaan clan

Friday, December 14, 2007

Elf Yourself

My students thought it would be funny to put the faculty into an elf dance video. There are three of us in this one, along with a student (to my left) and Eric and I thought it was pretty funny. Maybe you'll find someone that you can elf this Christmas season. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Message For All Buckeyes

Jack wanted to send out a message to all his fellow Buckeyes:

Go Bucks!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fall Pictures of Jack

We needed to update some pictures of Jack so enjoy! We've got a fall favorite: apples from mid-October; raking leaves with mommy; playing the piano (Beethoven is his favorite to say); modeling his new pjs from MaMa; and working on a puzzle with Ma. Peyton and Addy - enjoy the pictures! We'll post video soon so you don't have to watch Jack shake his booty anymore. ;)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Biblical View of Man and Woman

I've been inspired by Troy's posts...so for the second time in the history of this blog, I'm posting something completely unrelated to Jack. Sorry grandparents! :)

I've been having some great discussions with a few of my players on several books lately, and we actually came up with a book list during our last two bus trips. It has been fascinating for me to connect with them on an intellectual level as although I know learning styles, how they are motivated, academic and career interests as well as volleyball strength and weaknesses, I don't often get to hear what they think about, say, a book.

Our recent discussions have been over the book, Captivating, by John and Stasi Eldredge. Ironically, a MOPS book club option that came up recently was Wild at Heart, so we've brought that into the mix too. After reading WAH, and trying to get through all of Captivating (I ended up skimming near the end...couldn't take it anymore), and then reading several reviews on both books, I felt pretty strongly on my opinion of the book and was eager to engage my players/coaches.

I found many of us had serious concerns about the ideas presented in both books, although a few players did enjoy Captivating. The biggest concerns I have relate to what seems to me, a serious lack of scriptural backing and even, scripture being used out of context. In the interest of space and time, I'm attaching some links on reviews to the books and would enjoy hearing what others think about them. Maybe a nice adult discussion for our next get-together? Just kidding! Either way, enjoy the links and if interested, email me back with your thoughts. With no time for book club, no good friends (oh wait, no TIME for friends), and no Sunday School class yet as we haven't gotten that figured out, I receive my intellectual group stimulation via blogs. :)

Reviews on Captivating:

Review on Wild at Heart:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All Done

Over the last few weeks, we've been talking with Jack about his big boy bed. We always offer to let him sleep there, but he hever accepted. On Sunday night though, he willingly went down in his big boy bed and proceeded to be very quiet and still. We left the door slightly open and went into the family room to work.

Within 45 minutes, we hear a pitter patter of feet down the hall and as Jack gets closer, we hear, "All done...All done....All done...All done," while doing the sign for All done as well. He had enough of the big boy bed! :)

Needless to say, he went back down with mommy in his big boy bed, slept through the night, and last night, slept in his big boy bed from 8:30 till 7:20. Way to go Jack!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Family Memories

During the last two weeks and this weekend, Jack has seen a lot of his family. He had a visit from his Ma and Gigi and Papa two weeks ago, saw Nana, MaMa and cousins Abby and Anna and Aunt Wendy this past weekend, and will be seeing the whole Smith gang this weekend for October birthday's. We thought we post a few pictures of Jack with Papa as they enjoyed one of Jack's favorite books, the Volleyball Media Guide.

Thanks Gigi and Papa for making the trip down to play with Jack and cheer on the team!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Well, after a long vacation of not much going on and no other work to do, we finally decided to post something and thought the best thing to post is Jack. Please note the sarcasm. But you'll notice Jack loves to draw (thanks for the help Megan!), likes to sit in the big person chair and eat by himself (note the left hand) and loves to read. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Feeding The Animals

I was recently told about a great park in Gas City that also has a small animal farm. The farm included chickens, roosters, LOTS of goats, emu's, minature ponies, llama, peacock and maybe a few other random species. Anyway, Jack thought everything was pretty cool and enjoyed our morning out!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Starting to feel better

Jack started off with a rough morning. He woke up screaming at 6:30 AM with a fever and after drinking his water/juice, threw it all up. We managed to calm him down and then I rocked him back to sleep till about 9:45 but then he threw up again. :( However at that point, he was pretty sweaty and I think his fever had broke. A quick call to the doctor confirmed our daily routine of motrin/tylenol plus Dimetapp for his cough (his cold had drained and that's what we think caused him to get sick). Within a few hours, he was almost back to his old self, playing throw and catch and building towers. By dinner, he was completely fine to join Eric and I at the house of some friends for a cookout and he walked all around the yard and found lots of new balls to play with (Bocce, golf balls and a HUGE core workout ball). So all in all, it ended up being an okay day for Jack.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day # 2

It was a great day...Bike ride with Jack in the morning, Fell asleep watching the Reds in the afternoon, Family walk after Jack woke up from his nap, and a relaxing evening around the house.

Doesn't get much better than that.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Still Alive In Upland

Sorry to all that you've had to look at the back of my head for the last two months. I know you'd much rather look at my other side.

After a long blogging vacation, we are now committed to much more frequent posting and will try to keep you updated on our goings on during the summer. Here are a few pictures to catch you up on the last couple months...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Trend Setter

As I handed Brittany the clippers tonight to cut my hair, she asked me if it was the right attachment. I assured her that it was. Well, I was wrong. We'll see how long I can last with this trendy new "do". Good thing I don't have an office job.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Keeping my mind off of teething

Jack is teething....
again. He has his four front teeth on the top and bottom, but now has FOUR MORE teeth that have just barely broken through: two molars on each side in the back on the top and bottom...OUCH!

He is being such a trooper though, but does like to be distracted by anything in the kitchen drawers and of course, being comforted by chewing on his bottle. We can't complain and just are trying to enjoy the extra cuddle time!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Catching On

With the help of Uncle Jon, Aunt Wendy, Abby and Anna, who visited Upland this week, Jack has learned a very fun new skill:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Grandma Huyser

Grandma Huyser was born May 9, 1919 and went to glory on March 31, 2007. She was an amazing Grandma who we miss very much. We grew up going to church with Grandpa and Grandma, spent time with them out at the cottage, and always enjoyed seeing them at our sporting events, music events and other school/church activities. Some of my favorite memories of Grandma include:

  • Playing with her rings and charm bracelet at church each Sunday. Everytime I saw Grandma, I'd go through the list of which charm was for who and what ring represented what (wedding, engagement, trip to Mexico, etc.)
  • Grandma fitting us all for dresses for school dances. She made dresses for all us sisters and helped my mom with many others.
    Homemade Christmas stockings out of newspaper....one for every family!
  • Girl's weekend at the cottage and making our favorite Christmas cookies
  • Grandma reading Reader's Digest (she got me started in middle school on it...loved those drama in real life stories!)
  • Cookouts with high school friends and college teams at the cottage...all my friends loved Grandpa and Grandma!
  • Grandma teaching me how to knit and helping me with sewing projects
  • Grandma's cheesecake...Eric and I loved it so much we had it as our wedding cake
  • Grandma's faith in her Savior Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Biking In Upland

For my birthday, I asked for a bikeseat so Jack could tag along with me on bike rides. Well, that's what Brittany got me and it's our new favorite pastime. When the weather is nice, we take at least one ride a day. Jack loves it!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Booty Shakin' Fun

After watching all the videos of Cousin Nora dancing, Jack has vowed to practice everyday until he can beat her in a dance-off. While Nora's got the fancy footwork and hip action, Jack has the "cloth diaper booty shake"!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

South Africa Mission Trip

Some of you may have already heard that I am taking my volleyball team to South Africa in August for a mission trip. We will be going for almost two weeks to run volleyball clinics for youth and adults in schools, communities, prisons and other organizations. We also will be competing against university teams and doing outreach ministry after our matches. Sports is a huge magnet for people in South Africa and we were told to try to schedule as many competitions as possible, as many people will come up to us afterwards to talk.

We are very excited about this opportunity and already have seen the Lord work out details in our trip planning. I hope that you will join with us in prayer as we are preparing for the trip: the itinerary details, the ministry, the witness to people here and in South Africa, and for finances. Some have told us we are crazy to pursue a trip of this size and duration due to cost and details. Yet, we have held on to our conviction that this is where we are supposed to go, a quote that President Habecker loves so much, and a verse in Ephesians as we prepare for this trip:

"God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible - what a pity that we plan only the things we can do ourselves." A.W. Tozer

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20 - 21

Thank you for praying with us!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Monday, March 5, 2007

This Day In 2006

I've been getting some grief for not posting more often to our blog...So, I'm turning back the clock to take a look at the Smith/Souzis family birthdays one year ago today:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Narnia Ultimate Fan Contest

For any of you Narnia fans out there, Disney is holding an Ultimate Narnia Fan contest where the winner will receive a trip for two to the set of Prince Caspian, which would be an amazing once in a lifetime experience for most of us! One of my students at Taylor, Randy Kizer, is a finalist in this competition. He also happens to be the older brother of one of our incoming freshman volleyball players, Rachel Kizer.

Go to www.narnia.com to cast your vote. You can vote up to twice a day per computer. Voting ends this Friday, so please start voting now!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


...For the longest time, we thought "Deddy" was just how Jack said Daddy, but we've recently realized that it's his nickname for another, more furry member of our family. Enjoy the video, with a bonus clip of Jack's acrobatic prowess.

Drifts In Upland

Like many of you in the midwest, we were blasted with snow and blowing snow yesterday. As a result, our house is more like a snow fortress right now. The snow is actually serving as an insulator, which is pretty cool because we don't need the heat turned up as high today.

Taylor's classes were cancelled yesterday and today, so we've enjoyed having Brittany around all day! However, she did have to bail out Dallas (her team manager) when she got stuck in a drift on the road last night.

Here are a couple pictures and a video to document our winter wonderland.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Jack and I decided it was too difficult to keep up with everyone else's blogs, so we've created a link list to all the known family blogs on the right hand side. Please feel free to use our site as a portal to all your family blogging needs.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Move Over Mr. Oden

...There's a new Mr. Basketball in Indiana...

Fill My Cup

Jack's really starting to get the hang of drinking from his own cup...and he loves OJ just like his Mom & Dad! We're still working on getting him to drink his bottle completely on his own...but to be honest, we don't mind giving it to him. He's becoming pretty independent as it is, so we'll hang on as long as we can.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Monday, February 5, 2007