Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Parade

We had a great time at the annual Labor Day parade in Upland today. I figured this would be the only time I could show off Audrey in an Ohio State Buckeye cheerleading outfit since our gym is so hot so enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I've had the chance to spend about 45 minutes each day with Audrey this week after we drop Jack off at preschool. It's been so much fun to see what she wants to do in her "alone time", and everyday, without fail, she has wanted read...the entire time. She loves books so much and it's fun to see her personality emerge.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Sorry for our lack of blogging. Words can't express how busy we are but we are SO grateful to our family for helping us out with the kids over the last few weeks. Media guide and preseason is almost done so there is light at the end of the tunnel. For now, we get to celebrate Jack's first day of preschool that both mommy and daddy were around to see! :) Jacked picked out his outfit and was so excited to go. As soon as he woke up he said, "I get to go to preschool!" When I picked him up, he didn't want to share much, but out of nowhere on our way to the gym he said, "I love preschool." We''re so thankful he enjoyed his first day and are very excited for him!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The First Shot

The last few days we have been enjoying our time at MaMa and PaPa's house while Brittany worked the BGSU volleyball camp. The kids had fun swinging, playing with the pool and catching up with Nana. One big plus for Jack was the basketball hoop was lowered so he had a chance at making a basket. Brittany came home Friday night and Eric, Brittany and PaPa were all outside to witness Jack's first made shot. It was awesome! Unfortunately we didn't have the camera so here is Jack's third shot with MaMa too. This boy has skills!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Tonight we had lots to celebrate. Jack has been working hard on riding his bike with training wheels. Today, he did what we've been working toward the last two weeks: ride it all the way to the Sammy statues! Not only did he ride it there and back with Eric and Audrey walking, he also rode it all the way to Ivanhoes and back to celebrate. Jack enjoyed Blue Moon ice cream and Audrey enjoyed walking through the parking lot looking at motorcycles (seriously).

We got some video and pictures back at home. The video is long but it's for the grandparents! ;) It was a great night!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby Steps

The post title has dual meaning. First, Audrey took her first steps back at the end of April (we have video if anyone wants to see) but decided to take the month of May off. When we were gone in the Bahamas, Ma said Audrey was taking a lot of steps and we noticed when we got home. Now, she is walking like a champion. It's just baby steps in a long line of the things she will do and we're thankful for her ability to do so.

Jack also took some baby steps the past two weeks. I've always wondered if we weren't stringent enough with him at prayer time. I remember having friends whose kids would hold hands at 2 years old or say a nursery prayer. We didn't do any of that (although we thought about it). Sometimes I felt guilty for not making that habit. However, we always consistently would pray at night and always the same way. We thought that it might help him learn how to pray if we did it the same way.

Well, it took. Jack has been sitting down to dinner and saying he'll pray. He also will pray at night before bedtime. Two nights ago, we were almost in tears as he prayed:

"Dear Jesus, thank you God for this day. Thank you for Audrey, & mommy, & daddy, & Jack, & Audrey, & Eddie. Please help daddy feel better...with his hands to feel better, and Amen."

To the best of our knowledge, we've never prayed with Jack about Eric's hands and it was humbling to see him make that connection on his own and with such love for his daddy. He is such a discerning young boy. We are so thankful for them both.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just like Daddy

Eric has been playing some racquetball lately through a league at Taylor. Jack has been highly intrigued by the fashion of the sport, as well as just loving any sport that involves hitting a ball. Enjoy watching Jack "pretend" to be like his daddy.

And of course, he had to pose to find out what he looks like in his goggles.

And no post from our house should be complete without highlighting both kiddos. They have so much fun together!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Future Beethoven

The conversation I had in the car tonight with Jack about work:

Brittany: Jack, what do you want to do someday?

Jack: Ummmm...I don't want to wear a tie to work.

Brittany: What do you want to wear?

Jack: A scarf. And play the piano.

Unsure where this all came from since Eric doesn't wear a tie to work, but somehow, that made sense to him. Guess we need to start on piano lessons.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Family Fun

Ma has come to visit Upland. Everything just seems easier when a grandma is around. Jack spent a few hours outside shoveling and playing in the snow yesterday with Ma, and this morning, Audrey has enjoyed playing with all of Jack's toys while Jack and Ma played with model clay. Life is always good when Ma is around.

Also, a special HELLO from the kids to Gigi and Papa in Florida. We hope you were able to find us!

Monday, January 26, 2009

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Audrey received this book for Christmas from Ma and Pa and Jack hasn't put it down since. It quickly became his new favorite, and he clearly knows it almost all by heart. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ruby Red

For Christmas, we didn't exchange gifts but decided each of us could pick one thing we really wanted. Eric decided on a subscription to the Marion Chronicle (...and a GPS for the car, yet to be purchased) and Brittany picked a bushel of Ruby Red Grapefruit (not literally).

Our Ruby Red came express shipped from a farm in southern Texas and is absolutely exquisite. Last night, our first taste of our bushel sat in front of us, tempting us with gigantic semi-firm yellowish grapefruit. We took some pictures to savor the event in the bitter cold we are experiencing, and let us tell you, it was WELL worth it. They were divine! If we only eat one a day, they should last us to the end of February but I doubt we'll make it that far.

Here's to hoping you all have simple pleasures to get you through till spring!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You're It!

Jack and Audrey love to chase each other. They have so much fun going back and forth in our one hallway, or around the table. I caught a little on film tonight so enjoy them having fun with each other. You'll notice Audrey sometimes goes up on her right foot while she crawls...we call it her three-legged dog crawl. She's just ready to stand up and run! Sometimes its hard to keep up with these two!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lala & Jack

I've discovered a site I really like: You can listen to any song or album on the site once FOR FREE! This was a great option at Christmas. You also can store 50 songs in your own online account which you can listen to multiple times without paying. It also gives you the option to download for a fee like Itunes.

I have no clue how this is legal, but I love my totally 80's collection. Ahhh, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Duran Duran, Asia...shall I go on? Just search for my list on the website. It gets me excited to do work at 10:30 at night. Not much else can accomplish that outside of Starbucks or a competitive desire to annihilate every school we play next year. But that is for a different post.

Back to lala...check it out and create your own account. I get free songs when you do!

And, for those of you who only check this blog to see pictures of our kids, here you go. The pictures you see below is of a city that Jack and Eric built this morning while Audrey slept. Fisher Price Little People ROCK!

Tomorrow's post: I promise video and Audrey - stay tuned!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Jack's Birthday

We know that was almost a month ago already but with the busyness of Christmas, recruiting and basketball games, we just now are able to catch our breath. Oh yeah, and this post is also only because I didn't have to drive tonight for recruiting because of a snow storm. In our current signing state I don't know if that is a blessing or not (ha). :) Anyway, enjoy the pics of Jack's big day! Thanks for the Falder Four and MaMa and PaPa for coming over to celebrate with us!

Some brotherly/sisterly love before bedtime...

Sugar anyone?

We love Elmo and yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Jack also picked out Breyer's strawberry ice cream at the store by himself...yummy!

No melt downs yet, just lots of good 'ole cousin fun!

The birthday boy! 3 years old...

...but still not old enough to "blow" out the candles. Attempts to spit them out were tried before Lydia saved the day with a gentle breeze.

Are we having fun? At least we're almost all looking at the camera!

New PJs from MaMa and PaPa and yes, he wanted to wear them that night and no, we didn't wash them before he tried them on...

...but he ended up choosing the battle tested doggie PJs, also from MaMa and PaPa and enjoyed one of his new books.

Thanks everyone for such a special birthday!