Monday, March 15, 2010

Tax dollars Funding Abortion - Act Now!

I'm a passionate person. That is a given and most people know that about me. One thing you may not know about me is how passionate I am for the equal opportunity for individuals who are oppressed or marginalized by society. While that passion plays out differently for people depending on their world view, one way it plays out in my world view is advocating for the rights of women and children, specifically unborn children.

This week, a vote will occur on a significant piece of legislation - health care reform. While the emphasis on health care reform is good, and needed, and personally I support, I cannot and will not support the use of my tax payer dollars to fund abortion, subsidize insurance coverage for abortion, or reimburse doctors who perform abortions. I find this morally reprehensible, completely out of line with main stream America ideology, and highly unethical. It is causing me serious angst and if I could, I'd personally take down some of those individuals responsible for this pro-abortion propaganda. But once I settle down, I realize I, along with you, can fight back and want to encourage you to join me.

First, please pray. Scripture tells us that if we confess our sins, and humble ourselves, God will forgive our sin and heal our land. Abraham, Jonah and others beseeched God to not destroy their land while there could be found a remnant of people who followed God and obeyed his commands. May God only find us so faithful to cry out to Him with a broken and contrite heart for the sin of our selfishness, materialism, the objectivity of sex, and marginalization of so many people, including children. They are not some commodity to make our life complete; rather, they are a glorious gift of God created in His image with purpose and gifts to glorify Him.

Second, we can act. No matter who your Congressional Representative is, you can call them and remind them of the value of NOT using tax payer dollars to fund abortions. Keep the focus of all discussion on the funding of abortions, not health care reform. The message in newspaper editorials, calls into TV stations and radio broadcasts, and calls to congressional offices needs to be clear: we will not let our tax payer dollars be used to fund abortions!

Finally, we can spread the word and urge others to do the same. If you have time to make just one call, please do it! Specifically, we need to find people who live in southern Illinois, north and northeast Ohio, West Virginia, southern Indiana and northwest Indiana. If you know someone in those areas, please contact them. There isn't much time and we have a responsibility to act on behalf of those who cannot. More importantly, we will have to take account for how we acted as stewards of our dollars, both those that we directly control and those that we don't.

Will you help respond in defense of those who need it most? Will you help stand up for biblical principles? Will you stay above the rhetoric that compromises life for the lie that this is our one opportunity to help thousands in need? This bill passed with the pro-abortion funding can pass again that way without the politics and manipulation that is being shoved down our throats.

Passionate? Yes...will you join me?

1 comment: said...

Hello Brittany,
My sentiments exactly.
Very well written commentary.

Perhaps something will be done about it.
Love, Grandma,